5 Ways to Take Your Iced Tea to the Next Level

5 Ways to Take Your Iced Tea to the Next Level

Summer’s here and summer’s hot! The sweltering heat can be deliciously counteracted with some refreshing iced tea. Tulsi Tea on ice offers revitalizing flavours, immune boosting properties, and sweet sweet hydration! Herbed iced cubes? Yep! Pomegranate infusion? Sign us up! Here are five ways to really take your iced tea to the next level. Best Tulsi Iced Flavors: Any ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Tea can be brewed hot and then chilled and/or iced, but these are some flavours we recommend that are especially delicious iced: Tulsi Lemon Ginger, Tulsi Sweet Rose, Tulsi Peppermint, Tulsi Green, and Tulsi Pomegranate Green

1. Oh, Honey – Sometimes, you just need something sweet in your life. Skip the refined sugar and add some nourishing raw honey to your tea. Not only does raw honey contain natural enzymes and antioxidants, it has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. That being said, be picky when it comes to your honey. Processed honey means that a lot of the nutrients have been removed or destroyed. It is also best to buy honey that is produced locally, which also helps the local economy thrive.

Remember: honey does not mix well into cold drinks, so first you must brew the hot tea, mix in the honey until it has absorbed into the water, and then chill and ice the tea.

2. Crazy for Coconut – Get a taste of the tropics by adding some coconut sugar to your iced tea! Coconut sugar is made from the sap of cut flower buds on the coconut palm tree. It has been used as a sweetener for thousands of years in South and South-Eastern Asian areas. Now you can find it at just about any health food store for a good price. Try adding a spoonful of coconut sugar to a pitcher of Tulsi Pomegranate Green for a mini island vacation!

3. Alternative Milk – some chilled teas are even great with some milk, like ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Masala Chai. We suggest mixing with coconut, almond or organic soy milk and a bit of sweetener for a delicious iced chai latte.

4. Fabulous Fruit Infusion – If sweeteners aren’t your thing, go old-school by adding fruit to your tea. Fruit infusions have become very popular and it is easy to find water bottles and pitchers specifically designed for infusion purposes. You can also add berries, peach slices, melon cubes, and herbs like mint, lavender and basil to a pitcher of ORGANIC INDIA iced tea and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. I love adding berries to ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Sweet Rose tea. It elevates the flavour and looks pretty on my table when I am entertaining guests!

5. Cool Ice Cubes – Now that you’ve mastered the iced tea tricks of the trade, it’s time to keep that tea cool! Basic iced cubes can be boring and often water down the flavour. Try adding ice that contains additional tea flavours, berries, or even herbs!

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